Nancy Cowell ئاپەکان

تعلم اللغة الفرنسية 1.1
Nancy Cowell
اذا كنت ترغب في تعلم قواعد اللغة الفرنسيةبدونانترنت نقدم لك تطبيقنا الجديد الذي يمكن ان تجدوا فيه مجموعةكبيرةمن دروس وتمارين اللغة الفرنسية للمبتدئين.تمت برمجة هذا التطبيق تعلم اللغة الفرنسية بدون أنترنيت من أجلمساعدةفئة كبيرة في العالم العربي التي تعرف نقص على مستوى تعلماللغةالفرنسيةمميزات التطبيق:* غرافيك التطبيق بجودة عالية في تعلم قواعد اللغة الفرنسية* سهل الاستخدام و غير ممل يمكنك من التكلم بالفرنسية وتعلمالفرنسيةفي اسبوع* كن متيقنا اذا اعتمدت تطبيق تكلم الفرنسية هذا سوف تصل مستوى رائعفيتكلم الفرنسية بلياقة* تعلم الفرنسية بدون انترنت* تعلم الفرنسية في اسبوع للاطفال* تعلم اللغة الفرنسية للمبتدئين* الفرنسية يوميا، في شهر* تعلم التكلم بالفرنسية* دروس الدعم في اللغة الفرنسية بدون انترنت* دروس في تعليم قواعد اللغة الفرنسية* دروس لغة الفرنسية يوميا* برامج تعليم اللغة الفرنسية للاطفال* كيف اتعلم اللغة الفرنسية بدون إنترنت* جمل بالفرنسية والعربية* ترجمة فرنسي عربيبالنسبة للذين يبحتون على التطبيق بلغات اخرى فيمكنهم استعمال مايلي:grammaire francaislearn french in arabicbelajar bahasa arabta3lim faranciata3alom françaisSpeak French in arabiclearn french offline in arabicTalk in frensh en arabeta3alom faranciata3lim francais gratuit arabeنتمنى صادقين ان نكون توفقنا في عملنا, بالتوفيق للجميع.اذا كنت ترغب في تعلمقواعداللغة الفرنسية بدون انترنت نقدم لك تطبيقنا الجديد الذي يمكنان تجدوافيه مجموعة كبيرة من دروس وتمارين اللغة الفرنسيةللمبتدئين.تمت برمجة هذا التطبيق تعلم اللغة الفرنسية بدون أنترنيت من أجلمساعدةفئة كبيرة في العالم العربي التي تعرف نقص على مستوى تعلماللغةالفرنسيةمميزات التطبيق:* غرافيك التطبيق بجودة عالية في تعلم قواعد اللغة الفرنسية* سهل الاستخدام و غير ممل يمكنك من التكلم بالفرنسية وتعلمالفرنسيةفي اسبوع* كن متيقنا اذا اعتمدت تطبيق تكلم الفرنسية هذا سوف تصل مستوى رائعفيتكلم الفرنسية بلياقة* تعلم الفرنسية بدون انترنت* تعلم الفرنسية في اسبوع للاطفال* تعلم اللغة الفرنسية للمبتدئين* الفرنسية يوميا, في شهر* تعلم التكلم بالفرنسية* دروس الدعم في اللغة الفرنسية بدون انترنت* دروس في تعليم قواعد اللغة الفرنسية* دروس لغة الفرنسية يوميا* برامج تعليم اللغة الفرنسية للاطفال* كيف اتعلم اللغة الفرنسية بدون إنترنت* جمل بالفرنسية والعربية* ترجمة فرنسي عربيبالنسبة للذين يبحتون على التطبيق بلغات اخرى فيمكنهم استعمالمايلي:french grammarlearn french in arabicbelajar bahasa arabta3lim faranciafrench ta3alomSpeak French in arabiclearn french in arabic offlineTalk in Arabic frenshta3alom faranciata3lim free arabic frenchنتمنى صادقين ان نكون توفقنا في عملنا, بالتوفيق للجميع.
detector metal pro 1.0
Nancy Cowell
Turn on your smartphone into a metaldetectorwith sound notificationMetal detector pro is the first set of the SmartToolscollectionMagnet Metal Detctor Applications require a magneticsensor(magnetometer) ,his can only detect ferromagnetic metals ,Itwillnot detect gold rush ,copper ,aluminum ,silver and coppercoinsmade at the base.They are classified as non-ferrous metals which have nomagneticfield If this application is not working properly, checkyourspecs, please.Dector metal measures the magnetic field using a magneticsensorthat is built into your device's magnetic field level whenallmetals (steel, iron) is near the level of the magneticfieldincreases.Usage is simple:Open the application and make moving your device. The magneticfieldlevel will constantly fluctuate. That's all! You can findelectricalson in the walls (like a stud finder) and iron pipes intheground.The accuracy depends entirely on your magneticsensor(magnetometer). Note that it is affected by electronicequipment(TV, PC, Microwave) due to electromagnetic waves.* Main Features:** Alarm Level**Beep**Material Design
satellite director pro 2.0.0
Nancy Cowell
SatFinder detector pro (Satellite Finder) is atool which will help you to set up satellite dish. It will give youazimuth, elevation and LNB tilt for your location (based on GPS)and chosen satellite from list. The result is shown both as numericdata and graphical on google maps. It has also built in compasswhich will help you to find proper satellite azimuth. It also canuse augmented reality to show where is satellite on cameraview.Finding a TV satellite or an antenna, in azimuth, can be prettydifficult. Before you can find it with a compass you have to dosome calculations using GPS location, magnetic variation, compassazimuth and satellite azimuth.Satellite Director replaces all of that. See tips to successbelow.Compass works only on devices with compass sensor(magnetometer).How to use this app:1. First of all, you should enable GPS and Internet on your phone.Remember – in most cases it is impossible to receive GPS signalinside buildings. So if you want to get very accurate location –please go near windows or go even outside.In current app version location should be found quite immediately.So if you stuck with ‘no location’ message please make ensure thatyou got enabled all required features/permissions.2. If app found your location, you must select desired satellite.To do this you must find icon with magnification glass and tap it.On the list you will find all satellites with elevation angle abovezero degrees. Remember: satellite name doesn’t affect thecalculation of angles. Important thing is satellite position.3. The azimuth, elevation and skew angle is calculated for yourlocation and chosen satellite. Under calculated values there is acompass with graphical representation of azimuth angle. The azimuthangle is calculated with magnetic inclination. Remember – everytime you use compass – you should calibrate it. Green linerepresents your phone azimuth. So if on compass green and redindicators are on each other – front of the phone should show youdirection to the satellite. If the compass value is correct – phoneazimuth value will go green.3 tips to success:1- do NOT go to close to the iron dish, iron lnb arm or iron pole(keep at least 30 cm distance)2- calibrate the compass of the phone by waving it in a figure 8before you start3- optional: calibrate the compass of the phone by rolling yourphone along its length axis about 2-3 turns (works on somephones)Dish Pointer supports:INTELSAT, INMARSAT, TIANLIAN, EUTELSAT, AMC, LUCH, COSMOS, OPTUS,APSTAR, SUPERBIRD, BEIDOU, JCSAT, CHINASAT, PALAPA, AFRICASAT-2,ABS, KIKU-8, MTSAT, MBSAT, KIZUNA, SINOSAT, ST, HIMAWARI-6,EXPRESS-AM, N-STAR, VINASAT, ZHONGXING, COMS, , FENGYUN, GARUDA,ASIASAT, THAICOM, TELKOM, INDOSTAR, KOREASAT, N-SAT, BSAT, ASTRA,NSS, SES, ASIASTAR, EXPRESS, INSAT, KODAMA, YAMAL, TDRS, CHINASTAR,KAZSAT, RADUGA, HORIZONS, GSAT, ESIAFI, TELSTAR, ELEKTRO, KALPANA,LEASAT, RADUGA-1M, GALAXY, METEOSAT, BONUM, DIRECTV, DP, SKYNET,YAHSAT, SIRIUS, SYRACUSE, AZERSPACE, AFRICASAT, NIMIQ, THURAYA,NIGCOMSAT, TURKSAT, HELLAS-SAT, AKSAT, NATO, ARABSAT, EUROBIRD,DFH, HYLAS, ORIZONT, XTAR, BADR, AMOS, COMSATBW, RADUGA-1, RASCOM,THOR, MSG, NILESAT, HISPASAT, ECHOSTAR, AMAZONAS, GOES, BRASILSAT,STAR, QUETZSAT, VENESAT, XM, ICO, SPACEWAY, SKYTERRA, LES, AMSC,GSTAR, SATCOM, MSAT, ANIK, SOLIDARIDAD, SATMEX, MEXSAT, HGS,CIELThank you for using the app "Satellite Director / SatFinder"
satellite director 3D 1.2.0
Nancy Cowell
SatFinder derector 3d (Satellite Finder 3D) isa tool which will help you to set up satellite dish. It will giveyou azimuth, elevation and LNB tilt for your location (based onGPS) and chosen satellite from list. The result is shown both asnumeric data and graphical on google maps. It has also built incompass which will help you to find proper satellite azimuth. Italso can use augmented reality to show where is satellite on cameraview.Finding a TV satellite or an antenna, in azimuth, can be prettydifficult. Before you can find it with a compass you have to dosome calculations using GPS location, magnetic variation, compassazimuth and satellite azimuth.Satellite Director replaces all of that. See tips to successbelow.Compass works only on devices with compass sensor(magnetometer).How to use this app:1. First of all, you should enable GPS and Internet on your phone.Remember – in most cases it is impossible to receive GPS signalinside buildings. So if you want to get very accurate location –please go near windows or go even outside.In current app version location should be found quite immediately.So if you stuck with ‘no location’ message please make ensure thatyou got enabled all required features/permissions.2. If app found your location, you must select desired satellite.To do this you must find icon with magnification glass and tap it.On the list you will find all satellites with elevation angle abovezero degrees. Remember: satellite name doesn’t affect thecalculation of angles. Important thing is satellite 3Dposition.3. The azimuth, elevation and skew angle is calculated for yourlocation and chosen satellite. Under calculated values there is acompass with graphical representation of azimuth angle. The azimuthangle is calculated with magnetic inclination. Remember – everytime you use compass – you should calibrate it. Green linerepresents your phone azimuth. So if on compass green and redindicators are on each other – front of the phone should show youdirection to the satellite. If the compass value is correct – phoneazimuth value will go green.3 tips to success:1- do NOT go to close to the iron dish, iron lnb arm or iron pole(keep at least 30 cm distance)2- calibrate the compass of the phone by waving it in a figure 8before you start3- optional: calibrate the compass of the phone by rolling yourphone along its length axis about 2-3 turns (works on somephones)Dish Pointer supports:INTELSAT, INMARSAT, TIANLIAN, EUTELSAT, AMC, LUCH, COSMOS, OPTUS,APSTAR, SUPERBIRD, BEIDOU, JCSAT, CHINASAT, PALAPA, AFRICASAT-2,ABS, KIKU-8, MTSAT, MBSAT, KIZUNA, SINOSAT, ST, HIMAWARI-6,EXPRESS-AM, N-STAR, VINASAT, ZHONGXING, COMS, , FENGYUN, GARUDA,ASIASAT, THAICOM, TELKOM, INDOSTAR, KOREASAT, N-SAT, BSAT, ASTRA,NSS, SES, ASIASTAR, EXPRESS, INSAT, KODAMA, YAMAL, TDRS, CHINASTAR,KAZSAT, RADUGA, HORIZONS, GSAT, ESIAFI, TELSTAR, ELEKTRO, KALPANA,LEASAT, RADUGA-1M, GALAXY, METEOSAT, BONUM, DIRECTV, DP, SKYNET,YAHSAT, SIRIUS, SYRACUSE, AZERSPACE, AFRICASAT, NIMIQ, THURAYA,NIGCOMSAT, TURKSAT, HELLAS-SAT, AKSAT, NATO, ARABSAT, EUROBIRD,DFH, HYLAS, ORIZONT, XTAR, BADR, AMOS, COMSATBW, RADUGA-1, RASCOM,THOR, MSG, NILESAT, HISPASAT, ECHOSTAR, AMAZONAS, GOES, BRASILSAT,STAR, QUETZSAT, VENESAT, XM, ICO, SPACEWAY, SKYTERRA, LES, AMSC,GSTAR, SATCOM, MSAT, ANIK, SOLIDARIDAD, SATMEX, MEXSAT, HGS,CIELThank you for using the app "Satellite Director / SatFinder3D"
metal detector pro 2017 1 1.0
Nancy Cowell
=== metal detector pro 2017 ===Precise metal {metal detector | detecting} really works! Downloaditfor free!Metal {metal detector|detecting} 2017 is the first set of the{metaldetector|detecting} Tools collectiondetector 2017: is a lightweight {metal detector | detecting}Bydetecting {near by|local} electromagnetic fields using thephone'sbuilt-in magnetometer/compass, you can locate {nearby|local} metaland magnets. You can also {put it to use|make use ofit} to find{metal|material|precious metal} studs and wiring {at therear of|inback of|lurking behind} walls. {Based on|According to}your{telephone|mobile phone|cellphone}, you can {put it to use|makeuseof it} to {discover|find} metals up to 30cm away, and magnetsfromfar, far away! Note that household equipment like TVs,and{computer systems|personal computers|pcs} or evenyour{telephone|mobile phone|cellphone} case can affect{psychicreadings|blood pressure measurements|parts}.If this application is no longer working properly, check yourspecs,please. > >Detector {metallic|steel|material} measures the magnetic field{byusing a} magnetic sensor that is built into your device'smagneticfield levelWhen all metals (steel, iron) is {nearby the|near to the} levelofthe magnetic field increases.===How to work with this app? ===Usage is simple: {Open up|Start} the application detector andmakemoving your device. The magnetic field level willconstantlyfluctuate. {Which|That is|Gowns} all!You can find electrical son in the walls (like {a guy|a man}finder)and iron {plumbing|water lines|piping} in {the floor|theearth|theland}.A {great deal|whole lot} of ghost hunters{experienced|got|acquired}downloaded this app, and they hadexperimented as a ghostdetector.{In the event the|In case the} readings aren'tgetting{up-to-date|up to date|current}, make sure your{telephoneis|contact is} equipped with a magnetometer.If the {psychic readings|blood pressure measurements|parts}{appearsto be} off, it means that your sensors needs to bere-calibrated,{click on the} re-calibration button (refresh icon)forinstructions.The {precision|reliability|accuracy and reliability}depends{totally} on your magnetic sensor (magnetometer).{Notice|Takenote|Be aware} that it is {afflicted|damaged} byelectronicequipment (TV, PC, Microwave) due to electromagneticwaves.** {Metal detector|Detecting} cannot {discover|find}gold,{metallic|sterling silver|silver precious metal} and coinsmade bycopper. They are {categorized|labeled|grouped} asnon-ferrous metalthat has no magnetic field.* Main Features:- Alarm Level- Beep- Material Design
Metal Detector 2017 1.0
Nancy Cowell
=== metal detector 2017 ===Precise metal detector really works! Download it for free!metal detector 2017 : is a portable metal detector Bydetectingnearby electromagnetic fields using the phone'sbuilt-inmagnetometer/compass, you can locate nearby metal andmagnets. Youcan also use it to find metallic studs and wiringbehind walls.Depending on your phone, you can use it to detectmetals up to 30cmaway, and magnets from far, far away! Note thathousehold equipmentlike TVs, and computers or even your phone casecan affectreadings.Metal detector 2017 is the first set of the detectorToolscollectionIf this application is not working properly, check yourspecs,please. >>Detector metal measures the magnetic field using a magneticsensorthat is built into your device's magnetic field levelWhen all metals (steel, iron) is near the level of themagneticfield increases.===How to use this app?===Usage is simple : Open the application detector and make movingyourdevice. The magnetic field level will constantly fluctuate.That'sall!You can find electrical son in the walls (like a stud finder)andiron pipes in the ground.A lot of ghost hunters had downloaded this app, and theyhadexperimented as a ghost detector.If the readings aren't getting updated, make sure your phoneisequipped with a magnetometer.If the readings seems to be off, it means that your sensors needstobe re-calibrated, click the re-calibration button (refresh icon)forinstructions.The accuracy depends entirely on your magneticsensor(magnetometer). Note that it is affected by electronicequipment(TV, PC, Microwave) due to electromagnetic waves.** Metal detector cannot detect gold, silver and coins madebycopper. They are classified as non-ferrous metal that hasnomagnetic field.* Main Features:- Alarm Level- Beep- Material Design
satellite director 2017 2.1.0
Nancy Cowell
SatFinder detector pro (Satellite Finder) is atool which will help you {to setup|to create|to build} satellitedish. It will {provide you with|offer you} azimuth, elevation andLNB tilt for your location (based on GPS) and chosen satellite fromlist. In this way shown both as number data and graphical on thesearch engines maps. It has also {integrated|built-in|constructedin} compass which will help you to find proper satellite azimuth.{Additionally, it|In addition, it} can use augmented reality {toexhibit|to demonstrate|showing} where is satellite on cameraview.Finding a TV satellite or an antenna, in azimuth, can be prettydifficult. {Prior to|Just before|Ahead of} you can {think itis|believe it is|still find it} with a compass you need to do some{computations|measurements|data} using GPS location,{magnet|permanent magnet|permanent magnetic} variation, compassazimuth and satellite azimuth.Satellite Overseer replaces all that. {Observe|Discover|Find} tipsto success below.Compass works only on devices with compass {messfühler|fühler}(magnetometer).How to use this app:1. {Initially|First of all|Earliest} of all, you should {permit}GPS and Net on your phone. {Keep in mind|Bear in mind} - in most{instances|situations|circumstances} it is impossible to receiveGPS signal inside buildings. So {if you need|if you wish} to getvery accurate location - please go {close to|around} windows or goeven outside.In current {software|iphone app} version location should be foundquite immediately. {Therefore|Thus|Consequently} if you stuck with'no location' message please make {make certain you} got{allowed|empowered} all required features/permissions.2. If {software|iphone app} found your location, you must choosedesired satellite. {To get this done|To achieve this|To accomplishthis} you must find icon with magnification glass and{touch|engage|tap into} it. On the list {you can find|you will see}all satellites with elevation angle above {absolutelyno|no|actually zero} degrees. Remember: satellite name doesn'taffect the {computation|calculations} of angles. Important thing issatellite position.3. The azimuth, elevation and skew angle is{determined|computed|worked out} for your location and chosensatellite. Under {determined|measured|considered} values there is acompass with graphical {portrayal|rendering|manifestation} ofazimuth angle. The azimuth angle is {determined|computed|workedout} with magnetic inclination. {Keep in mind|Bear in mind} -{whenever|each and every time} you use compass - you shouldcalibrate it. Green {collection|range|series} represents your phoneazimuth. So if on compass green and red {signals are|indicationsare|symptoms are} on {the other person} - front of the{telephone|mobile phone|cellphone} should show you{path|way|course} to the satellite. {In the event that|In theevent|If perhaps} the compass value is correct - phone azimuthvalue will go {renewable|inexperienced|oriental}.3 tips to success:1- do NOT go to {near} the {flat iron|straightener} dish, iron lnb{supply|left arm|hand} or iron pole (keep at least 30 centimeterdistance)2- calibrate the compass of the {telephone|mobile phone|cellphone}by waving it in a figure 8 before you start3- {optionally available|recommended}: calibrate the compass of{the telephone|the device|the product} by rolling your phone alongits {size|duration|span} axis about 2-3{becomes|transforms|converts} (works on some phones)Dish Pointer supports:INTELSAT, INMARSAT, TIANLIAN, EUTELSAT, AMC, LUCH, COSMOS, OPTUS,APSTAR, SUPERBIRD, BEIDOU, JCSAT, CHINASAT, PALAPA, AFRICASAT-2,ABS, KIKU-8, MTSAT, MBSAT, KIZUNA, SINOSAT, ST, HIMAWARI-6,EXPRESS-AM, N-STAR, VINASAT, ZHONGXING, COMS,, FENGYUN, GARUDA,ASIASAT, THAICOM, TELKOM, INDOSTAR, KOREASAT, N-SAT, BSAT, ASTRA,NSS, SES, ASIASTAR, EXPRESS, INSAT, KODAMA,...{Say thanks to|Give thanks to|Appreciate} you for using the{software|iphone app} "Satellite Director as well asSatFinder"
metal detector pro 2017 2 1.0
Nancy Cowell
=== metal detector pro 2017 ===Precise metal detector really works! Download it for free!Metal detector 2017 is the first set of the detectorToolscollectionmetal detector 2017 : is a portable metal detector work Bydetectingnearby electromagnetic fields using the phone'sbuilt-inmagnetometer/compass, you can locate nearby metal andmagnets work.You can also use it to find metallic studs and wiringbehind walls.Depending on your phone, you can use it to detectmetals up to 30cmaway, and magnets from far, far away! Note thathousehold equipmentlike TVs, and computers entrance or even yourphone case can affectreadings.If this application is not working properly entrance, checkyourspecs, please. >>Detector metal measures the magnetic field using a magneticsensorthat is built into your device's magnetic field levelWhen all metals (steel, iron) is near the level work of theworkmagnetic field increases.===How to use this app?===Usage is simple : Open the work application detector and makemovingyour device. The magnetic field level will constantlyfluctuate.That's all!You can find electrical son in the walls entrance (like astudfinder) and iron pipes in the ground.A lot of ghost hunters had downloaded this app, and theyhadexperimented as work a ghost detector.If the readings aren't getting work updated, make sure entranceyourphone is equipped with a magnetometer.If the readings seems to be off , it means that your sensorsneedsentrance to be re-calibrated, click the re-calibrationbutton(refresh icon) for instructions.The accuracy depends entirely on your magneticsensor(magnetometer). Note that it is affected by electronicequipment(TV, PC, Microwave) due to electromagnetic waves.** Metal detector cannot detect envy gold, silver and coins madebycopper. They are classified as non-ferrous metal that hasnomagnetic field.* Main Features:- Alarm Level- Beep- Material Design
Best theme Samsung S7 edge 1.0
Nancy Cowell
Best theme for Samsung S7 edge : Use thisbeautiful Galaxy S7 edge cool theme to make your Android phoneunique.Theme for Samsung Galaxy is not just a regular mobile home screendecoration, it contains a vast collection of themes and HDwallpapers, enabling you to create and personalize a theme thatbelongs only to you!Features:Features• Efficiently manage your home screen settings, like wallpapers andsystem themes, to customize your S7 Edge Launcher.• Swipe down and search in your apps, contacts, and check trendingsearch topics instantly with the new quick find option.• Make Your own style, according to your choice, your lifestyleusing various wallpapers, folder styles, and effects that fit yourhome screen.• Organize your apps and folders in such a style that you canaccess all apps on home screen or also can have access apps using ahome screen shortcut.many more.Everything you need can be found here.After installing this theme, you can experience more differentstyles of unique themes and wallpaper, including 3D, cartoons,cool, technology, etc. We add new theme wallpapers every day. In aword, you can find whatever you like. It will also bring yousurprise.Beautiful wallpaper:Tens of thousands of HD wallpapers updates everyday!Celebs, cartoon, sports car, movies, abstract, and magical livewallpaper to make your phone look new every time you see it!Theme for Samsung Galaxy S7 is a free theme wallpaper speciallydesigned for GO, including dozens of unified icons and artisticwallpapers, which can personalize your device easily.Personalization:Customizable app icon size, news alerts, online themes creation,and plenty of other tools to help you create a theme that is trulyunique.
Metal detector pro 2017 2.0
Nancy Cowell
=== metal detector pro 2017 ===Precise metal detector really works! Download it for free!metal detector 2017 : is a portable metal detector Bydetectingnearby electromagnetic fields using the phone'sbuilt-inmagnetometer/compass, you can locate nearby metal andmagnets. Youcan also use it to find metallic studs and wiringbehind walls.Depending on your phone, you can use it to detectmetals up to 30cmaway, and magnets from far, far away! Note thathousehold equipmentlike TVs, and computers or even your phone casecan affectreadings.Metal detector 2017 is the first set of the detectorToolscollectionIf this application is not working properly, check yourspecs,please. >>Detector metal measures the magnetic field using a magneticsensorthat is built into your device's magnetic field levelWhen all metals (steel, iron) is near the level of themagneticfield increases.===How to use this app?===Usage is simple : Open the application detector and make movingyourdevice. The magnetic field level will constantly fluctuate.That'sall!You can find electrical son in the walls (like a stud finder)andiron pipes in the ground.A lot of ghost hunters had downloaded this app, and theyhadexperimented as a ghost detector.If the readings aren't getting updated, make sure your phoneisequipped with a magnetometer.If the readings seems to be off, it means that your sensors needstobe re-calibrated, click the re-calibration button (refresh icon)forinstructions.The accuracy depends entirely on your magneticsensor(magnetometer). Note that it is affected by electronicequipment(TV, PC, Microwave) due to electromagnetic waves.** Metal detector cannot detect gold, silver and coins madebycopper. They are classified as non-ferrous metal that hasnomagnetic field.* Main Features:- Alarm Level- Beep- Material Design
satellite instal guide 1.0
Nancy Cowell
guide of Satellite Director is a tool tohlep{you understand|you already know} all things about satelliteforlocating {TELEVISION|TV SET|TELEVISION SET} satellites andaligning{satellite television|satellite tv|dish}.Use your point dish finder of see the reality of increasedcameradishpointer to see and target dish finder geostationarysatellitesin the sky. {This|That} can be used everywhere in theworld as allmajor {tv set|television set} geostationary satellitesare in the{data source|repository|databases}. {Capabilityto|Capacity to}manually direct {tv set|television set} satellitefinder enter lat.and longitude location dishpointer details incase{Area|Position|Site} dish finder can not be automaticallydirect{tv set|television set} satellite finder determined {in theeventof|in case there is|in the case of} "no connectivity.SatFinder WeZY uses your phone {detectors|receptors|devices}to{discover|find} your physical locationdish finder satelliteandcalculates dishpointer azimuth and elevation needed foryoursatellite antenna to face dish {locater|person}direct {tv set|television set} satellite {locater|person}Use your dishpointer {software|iphone app} guide and readallinformaton about {tv set|television set} and dishgeostationarysatellites for Augmented Reality {Lookat|Watch|Perspective} dishfinder which {chemicals|oil-soaked rags}the satellite icons inplaces where {they may be|they can be|theyare really}{situated|placed|located} in the sky
All Mobile Secret Codes pro 1.0
Nancy Cowell
All Mobile Secret Code application includetheandroid secret code of all mobile device like Samsung,Sony,Motorola, Apple/iPhone, Panasonic, simens , LG , Nokia, China,HTC,LG, MicroSoft/Windows .Check all common android secret codes include Network,GPS,Bluetooth, WLAN test,simblock , Firmware versioninformation,factory tests, and PDA. , simblock Top new workingsecret codes forsamsung, lg, Lenovo, OPPO, htc and so on. Bestandroid secret codesa most widely search term in the internet. Weare here sharing thenew working codes for android device on thespecial demand.Do you know that Android devices are intelligent and smart?Thereare various android secret codes which can be used foreasyfunctioning of the device.Application Covers The Following:- Samsung mobile secret code- Samsung phone codes- Samsung model code- Samsung hidden menu/codes- lg phone secret codes- HTC codes- Moto secret code- Code for check samsung phone- Panasonic mobile code secret-simens , alcatel code secret-micromax code secret-motorola code secret-Other Mobile code secretThese secret codes can also be used for gaining access to thesecretportal of the Android and its services. There are varioussymbolicor numeric sequences which easily allow one to gain accessto thesystem settings for various usages. In this app, there arevarioushidden codes given which can be employed on theAndroiddevices.Some code of them may not work on specific devices, but youcanstill try them.You can install application and enjoy the following benefits:★ Check used Android phones before buying.★ Detect the device manufacturer.★ Detect the operating system version.★ know the hidden information on the camera.★ Make backup copies of your data.★ Lot of advantages left for you to discover on your own.More devices secret codes will be added soon, So pleasestaytuned.Note: We will not be responsible for any damage of yourphone,nowill be liable for any damage.